
Dynamics of fluids

A critical question in diverse soft matter contexts is what role intermolecular forces play in the dynamics. We are working on a liquid state theory that explicitly includes the instability and chaos of molecular motion. We have found that measures of chaos carry the signatures of the well-known van der Waals picture of simple liquids and that chaos slows down at the liquid-vapor critical point.

Critical fluctuations and slowing down of chaos
Moupriya Das, Jason R. Green
Nat. Commun. 2019 10(1) p. 2155
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Self-averaging fluctuations in the chaoticity of simple fluids
Moupriya Das, Jason R. Green
Phys. Rev. Lett. 2017 119(11), p. 115502
Physics Buzz

Extensivity and additivity of the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy for simple fluids
Moupriya Das, Anthony B. Costa, Jason R. Green
Phys. Rev. E 2017 95(2), p. 022102